Street Parking

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MONDAY 6.18.18

This workout was originally posted on Jan 19 of last year - and then again on June 19 of 2017!  Make sure you go back and see how you did!  This is one of the main reasons we want you guys logging your scores!

Metcon (AMRAP - Rounds)

Every 5 Minutes for 4 Rounds
20 Back Squats
15 Kettle Bell Swings
10 Hang Squat Cleans

RX Men 135# Bar, 53# KB
RX Women 95# Bar, 35# KB

RX Plus Men: 165# Bar, 70# KB
RX Plus Women: 115# Bar, 53# KB

Score is number of rounds completed!


Every 5 Minutes for 4 Rounds
20 DB Squats/Goblet Squats
15 KB Swings
10  DB/KB Hang Squat Cleans

RX Men Dumbbells 40# ish
Kettle bell (for swings)- 53# if you have it!

RX Women Dumbbells 25# ish
Kettle bell for swings - 35#

RX Plus Men: 55# Plus DBs, 70# KB
RX Plus Women: 40# Plus DBs, 53# KB

Score is number of rounds successfully completed

List what weight you used in comments!

So most of you will have a score of 4.  Unless during one of the rounds you don't complete the work in the 5 min window.  We DO NOT want you completing this so easily that you get 4 min of rest.  Challenge yourself with the weight you use and do each round at 100% intensity so that you NEED the rest you do get.

In the notes/comments you should list the weight you used and times per round.

Goal would be to do the movements pretty unbroken.  Choose a weight that allows you to get at least 90 seconds rest between rounds!

On the back squats, find a rhythm and try to keep it, like a metronome!

Scale appropriately!  Don't worry about the weight, but more in hitting the intention of the workout!

On the back squats focus on driving your butt back but keeping your chest up.  Drive those knees out and the heels down.  Get that butt below your knee without rounding the back or relaxing.

Swings should be all the way overhead if possible.  Use a slight bend of the knee and hinge at the hip.  Stand up fast and allow the arms and bell to be a follow through motion.

On the cleans - all reps will start in the hang position - which means at the hip.  Perform a small dip of the knees and chest and from there, stand up fast or jump and focus on pulling yourself under fast!