Street Parking

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Every 5 Min for 6 Rounds (30 Min)

Score is total WORKING time (not including any rest time)

6 Rounds
Run 200 Meters
6 Devil's Thruster
Run 200 Meters

(Rest Remainder of 5 Min)

RX Men: 40# Dumbbells
RX Women: 25# Dumbbells

RX + Men/Women: 8 Devil's Thrusters

Goal: Make all 6 Rounds without capping out because you ran out of time in the 5 minute window.


Every 5 Min for 6 Rounds (30 Min)

Score is total WORKING time (not including any rest time)

6 Rounds
Run 200 Meters
8 Squat Clean Thruster
Run 200 Meters

(Rest Remainder of 5 Min)

You may also do bike or row options as listed in Program C - just note that in comments.

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men/Women: 10 Squat Clean Thruster

Goal: Make all 6 Rounds without capping out because you ran out of time in the 5 minute window.


Every 5 Min for 6 Rounds (30 Min)

Score is total WORKING time (not including any rest time)

6 Rounds
Row 250 Meters
15 Cal Bike (Men) / 10 Cal Bike (Women)
6 Devil's Thruster
Row 250 Meters
15 Cal Bike (Men) / 10 Cal Bike (Women)

(Rest Remainder of 5 Min)

RX Men: 40# Dumbbells
RX Women: 25# Dumbbells

RX + Men/Women: 8 Devil's Thrusters

The way this works is at  go you do one round.  You then have until 5:00 to go again. So for this the goal would be to get at least a minute rest if not more.  Choose your dumbbell weight wisely and if your first round takes you 4 min or close to it you may lighten the weight or drop the reps to even 4 - 5.

The run distance in this workout should take you 45 seconds - 1 min each time.  You should be running pretty hard since there is scheduled rest here.

If you are unable to run for space or weather restrictions you may sub 50 seconds of jump rope - either double or single unders.  Do doubles if you are capable and should get 30-50 reps or more each time.

A Devil's Thruster is a Devil Press then lower the dumbbells to the shoulders - then a thruster.

For this movement the dumbbells will be on the ground.  You will perform a push up on the dumbbells, jump or step your fett in, then pull the dumbbells from between the feet with a flat back and a slight bend in the knee.  Drive through the heels and keep the arms straight as you stand and really drive with the legs and the hips to help move the weight!

From here it is a combo dumbbell snatch/swing/clean and jerk to get the dumbbells locked out overhead.  Make sure you finish each rep with the biceps by the ears and elbows locked!  Remember to keep the belly tight!

From here you will lower the dumbbells to the shoulder.  Your feet should be roughly shoulder width apart already from the Devil Press.  Reach the butt back and down, drive the knees out, keep the heels down, keep the chest up.  Get the butt lower than the knees at the bottom.  From here, DRIVE UP into the dumbbells and use the leg drive to finish with another press out.  Biceps by the ears, elbows locked.

Keep good positions as you lower back down for the next rep.

See video demo for KB and Sandbag Option.