Street Parking

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WEDNESDAY 12.12.18

18 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 18 Min)

Run 400 Meters
20 Ring/TRX or Supine Bar Rows

No weight necessary

RX +: If you crazies wanna wear a vest - go for it.

Score: Total number of completed round + any additional reps.

Goal: 5 Total Rounds (or close to it)


18 Min AMRAP
(As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 18 Min)

Bike 30 Cal Men / 22 Cal Women
Row 500 Meters

20 Ring/TRX or Supine Bar Rows

No weight necessary

RX +: If you crazies wanna wear a vest - go for it.

Score: Total number of completed round + any additional reps.

Goal: 5 Total Rounds (or close to it)


Put the weights away after those lungesters guys.  Let's strengthen that mid back with some PULLING in a supine (paralell to the floor) position!  There are a bunch of sub options to make this work for your equipment - so make sure to read and watch the demo video!

The 400 meter run should take somewhere between 1:30 to 2:15 depending on your running ability.  If you don't have a 400 measured - just use that as a gauge.  You can also sub taps, a low step up, or even jump roping for that duration of time each round.  You can even go no push up burpees or mountain climbers.

For the rows - the ideal situation would be rings or TRX bands - OR a barbell in a rack set up low enough to allow you to do the pulls from a somewhat parallel to the ground position.  Keep in mind for any of those options that the more parallel to the ground you are - the more difficult these are.  The goal is to start each rep with a straight body and straight arm position and pull all of the way to the chest each time.  Find an angle that allows you to get at least 5 or so  at a time and a set of 20 doesn't take longer than 90 sec or so (might end up being in singles by the end and thats ok.  These are MUCH harder than people think).

To create the angle you can have your feet on the ground - or make it more difficult by bringing feet onto a chair, bench or box.

Other options are single arm dumbbell bent over rows.  Here you will do 40 each time, but I would recommend going 10 Right, 10 Left, 10 Right, 10 Left instead of 20-20.  You will lean against a bench or even a chair or the wall will work.  Pull with a straight arm all of the way to the chest.

You can also do a seated pull with a band in a doorway or wrapped around your pull up bar.  For this workout we prefer this over a pull down to target more of the mid back.  You may want  to anchor your feet against -see video.

Last you could do a bent over row.  This is a lot of bending for this which is is our last choice.