Street Parking

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8 Rounds for Time

1 Wall Walk
8 Alternating Weighted Step Ups
12 Box Jump Overs

RX Men: 40# DBs
RX Women: 25# DBs

RX + Men: 2 Wall Walks / 50# DBs
RX + Women: 2 Wall Walks / 35# DBs

Option: Sub Wall Walk for 10-20' HS Walk

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 18 Min


8 Rounds for Time

1 Wall Walk
8 Alternating Back Rack Step Ups
12 Box Jump Overs

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men: 2 Wall Walks / 115#
RX + Women: 2 Wall Walks / 75#

Option: Sub Wall Walk for 10-20' HS Walk

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 18 Min


For the wall walks you will start in the bottom of the push up position with your feet against the wall.  You will press to the top of the push up and start to walk your feet up the wall as you walk your hands back.  Keep the belly tight and avoid overextending.  Bring your chest all of the way to the wall at the top.  Then, keeping your belly tight and butt squeezed, walk your hands back out to the top of the push up and lower the chest and thighs all the way to the floor.

If you are not ready for the full wall walk yet - no worries - you may sub 2 pike walks or 2 inchworms instead!

Each step up counts as one rep so you will do 4 per side but alternating.  You will hold the dumbbells in your hands - down at your sides and step up onto a box that is between 18-24 inches.  Guys should be closer to 24 inches and girls around 20!  Go lower on the step up if necessary for you!

You may also feel free to do these step ups with no weight at all if that is what you need to keep moving.

Make sure for each rep you drive off of the heel and don't allow your knee to come in.  Stand all of the way up on the box then come down and switch feet.

For the box jump over you will face your box and jump onto the top then jump or step down on the other side.  We usually prefer you perform these FACING the box with a step down - but will allow you to make your own judgment call for that.

Each time up and over = 1 rep.

Make sure you aim to land with your entire foot (both feet) on top of the box each time.  Watch for the knees caving in on take off and landing and work to avoid that.  We would love to see you actually JUMP so lower the height as much as necessary to make that happen.

If you don't have something to jump ON - find something to jump over.

If you are unable to jump at this time and since this workout already has step ups - sub a Russian KB/DB Swing (to eye level only).