Street Parking

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FRIDAY 1.4.19

1 Min on 1 Min off for 14 Min:

7 Deadlifts
Max Reps Dips

2 Scores:

Weight for Deadlift
Total Dip Reps

RX+ Options - weighted dips OR Muscle ups

Goal: Unbroken but Heavy deadlifts for YOU + 7 or more dips!


1 Min on 1 Min off for 14 Min:

5 Single Leg Deadlifts Right
5 Single Leg Deadlifts Left
Max Reps Dips

RX Men: 40# DB
RX Women: 25# DB

RX+ Men: 50# DB +
RX + Women: 35# DB+

RX+ Option - weighted dips

Score: Total # of Dips Performed!

Goal: 7 or more dips per round.


1 Min on 1 Min off for 14 Min:

7 Deadlifts
Max Muscle Ups (or scale)

2 Scores:

Weight for Deadlift
Muscle Up or Scale reps!

Goal: Unbroken but Heavy deadlifts for YOU + 3 or more muscle ups


For this workout you will enter 2 scores.  YOu will enter what weight you chose for the deadlifts.  You will choose something that is heavy for you to complete 7 reps but allows you to move well and not have to break.  You get a full min rest - so you should be able to go pretty heavy!

The way it works is when the clock starts you do 7 heavy deadlifts.  Then you have the rest of the minute to do as many dips as possible.  When the minute is up - you rest a full minute before going again.  Do this for a total of 7 rounds.

For the deadlifts the bar will start on the ground.  The feet are under the hips.  Heels are down.  Hips and knees are bent. Arms are straight.  Chest is up.  Belly tight.  Back flat!  Hands just outside the legs  To lift  drive the heels into the ground and lift the chest.  Keep the arms straight as you pull the bar in close to the body.  Keep the arms long and straight.  Keep the chest up and belly tight. Stand all of the way up at the top.  Squeeze the butt.  Don't lean back.

To lower - reach the butt back and slide bar down the legs.  Keep the knees out of the way.  Keep the chest lifted and belly tight.  Keep those heels down. Once past the knees you will re-bend the knees and bring the bar back to the starting position under control.

Dips may be performed on rings, parallettes, a dip station, between 2 boxes - or whatever you can find!  Make sure you lower your body down so that your shoulder is lower than your elbow at the bottom.  Press completely to lock out at the top.  These may be performed as strict or kipping.  Keep the rings in close.  Elbows should go BACK not out!

You may use a band, jump assist, or even one foot on the ground to scale.  You can also scale to a deficit push up or deficit push up from the knees if necessary. (TRX Push Ups or Ring Push Ups work too!)

If you are a dip ninja - you may go RX + and add weight or swap to muscle ups!