Street Parking

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POWER 12.9.18

Shoulder Press (20 Min Clock 3x3 - 2x2 - 4x1)

Shoulder/Strict Press

3 Sets of 3

2 Sets of 2

4 Sets of 1

(Score is heaviest single)

You must complete all sets within a 20 min window.

You may take bar from the ground or from a rack.

The bar starts on the front of the shoulders with a full grip and elbows slightly in front.  Feet roughly between hip and shoulder width.  Heels down.  Butt squeezed.  Chest up and belly tight.  Using no momentum from the lower body you will move the face out of the way, press the bar straight up, move the head back to neutral and finish completely locked out with the biceps by the ears.  Upper back is pressing up into the bar and the bar is over the middle of the body.

Lower by bringing the elbows in front and moving the face back out of the way.  Absorb with the knees if you need to but you cannot use any of that knee bend to feed the next rep.

Metcon (Weight)

30 Reps

(Kinda for time - more for quality)


RX +: 50 Reps

Choose a weight you can do at LEAST 3-5 reps at a time with.

Put time in comments.  If you used no weight - put 0 as your score an enter how you did them in comments.You may do these on rings or a stationary dip station.  If you have high paralettes you can use those or you can even do them on 2 boxes.

You may scale to no weight. Or even to a slow lower.

You can also do them with your feet on the ground if necessary.  Find something that will challenge you and that you can't do more than 7 reps in a row with.  Don't worry too much about time.

Get the shoulders lower than the elbows at the bottom.  Lock all of the way out at the top.

If using the rings focus on pulling them in and pressing down at the top.