Street Parking

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SATURDAY 11.3.18

8 Rounds
Each Round is 2 Min

Every 2 Min (with no rest between rounds) perform:

20 Double Unders
Max Dumbbell Burpee Box Step Up Overs

Score: Total DB Burpee Box Step Up Overs

RX Men: 40# Dumbbells
RX Women: 25# Dumbbells

RX + Men: 50# Dumbbells and 40 Double Unders Each Time
RX + Women: 35# Dumbbells and 40 Double Unders Each Time

Goal: 50 + Dumbbell Burpee Step Up Overs


8 Rounds
Each Round is 2 Min

Every 2 Min (with no rest between rounds) perform:

20 Double Unders
Max Plate Burpee Box Step Up Overs

Score: Total DB Burpee Box Step Up Overs

RX Men: 45# Plate
RX Women: 25# Plate

RX + Men and Women: 40 Double Unders each time

Goal: 60 + Platel Burpee Step Up Overs


8 Rounds
Each Round is 2 Min

Every 2 Min (with no rest between rounds) perform:

20 Double Unders
Max Sandbag Burpee Toss Over

Score: Total Sandbag Burpee Toss Overs

RX + Men and Women: 40 Double Unders Each time.

As far as bag weight goes - use what you've got!

Goal: 50 + Sandbag Burpee Toss Over


In Teams of 2 complete:

24 Min AMRAP
(As Many Reps as Possible in 24 Min)

This will work as a you go - I go.  Partners will switch every 90 seconds until they have each completed 8 rounds.

Each time it is your turn you will do (in a 90 second window):

20 Double Unders
Max Dumbbell Burpee Box Step Up Overs

When the 90 seconds is up - your partner goes and does the same.

Score: Total DB Burpee Box Step Up Overs Between the 2 of you.

RX Men: 40# Dumbbells
RX Women: 25# Dumbbells

RX + Men: 50# Dumbbells and 30 Double Unders Each Time
RX + Women: 35# Dumbbells and 30 Double Unders Each Time

Goal: 80 + Dumbbell Burpee Step Up Overs


Julian seems to think that 80+ Dumbbell Burpee Step Up overs is possible, even with RX + - so there's a challenge for you. HA HA!

So the way this works is 3-2-1 GO you do your 20 double unders then as many dumbbell burpee step up overs as you can until the clock hits 2 min.  Then you go back and do your double unders again and come back and do as many dumbbell burpee step up overs until 4:00.  Repeat for a total of 8 rounds or 16 min.

For the double unders on this workout we don't want you doing anything that takes longer than 30-40 seconds at the most for these (aside from one random bad round or something). So lower the number to 15 or even 10 if you need to.  OR you can do 30 seconds of attempts.  OR you can do 20 dumbbell hop overs!

For the dumbbell burpee step up overs - you will place the hands on the dumbbells facing your box.  Jump or step your feet back.  Get your chest and thighs to the ground.  Press up.  Jump or step your feet back in.  Deadlift the dumbbells by driving through the heels and keeping the back flat/lifting the chest.  Step up onto the box (holding the dumbbells).  Step OVER the box and then off.  To do this you want to make sure you get your WHOLE foot on the box for the step up.  You can either turn around on the box and step off backward or go forward.  Make sure you test this and that your box is stable for this!

IF you don't have a stable box to step OVER you can sub just dumbbell burpee step ups (no over).  OR if you have nothing to step up on at all you can sub Dumbbell Burpee + 2 Lunges (ouch after Friday's workout but it's a great sub).

Of course you can do all of this without dumbbells too if that is more appropriate for where you are at or how you are feeling today!

Happy First Saturday of November!