Street Parking

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TUESDAY 11.20.18

4 Rounds
25 Pull Ups
25 Push Ups
25 Box Jumps

RX+: 5 Rounds

In order to be eligible for RX+ you must finish the first 4 rounds under 15 Min.

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 20 Min


4 Rounds
5-7 Muscle Ups (Bar or Ring)
15 Handstand Push Ups
25 Box Jumps

RX+: 5 Rounds

In order to be eligible for RX+ you must finish the first 4 rounds under 15 Min.

Score: Total Time

Goal: Under 20 Min


For this workout it is 100 reps of each thing!  If this is A LOT for you - choose from 1 of 3 options.  Either give yourself an absolute cut off of like 22-24 min OR lower the reps of each to 15, OR lower to 3 rounds!  We don't need you TOO over the top sore on Thanksgiving!  We would rather see you moving the whole time for 15-20 min than standing around a lot waiting until you are ready to do another push up!

For the pull ups you can choose whichever option works for you!  You can even go strict if you want to work those in.  If you do that, cut the number to 12-15 reps per round.

You can also kip, use the band, do ring or TRX rows, do rows on a bar in the rack, Parallette rows.  We prefer you don't do jumping pull ups for a workout that ALSO has box jumps if possible.  Lots of other options for this one.

If you don't have a way to do pull ups today - no worries.  Sub a KB or DB swing.

For the push ups you may sub knee push ups, or elevate push ups!  Choose a style that is challenging for you, but that you can get through those 25 reps in about 1-2 min or less.

For the  box jumps the ideal height is about 24" for men and 20" for women.  If you are unable to jump on a box that high because you aren't ready for it - jump on something lower!

If you don't have a box you can always use a bench, or something else sturdy!  If you don't have something sturdy to jump on - find something easy to jump over!

If you are unable to jump at this time - you may perform step ups for this part!