Street Parking

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WEDNESDAY 11.14.18

10 Min AMRAP
(As Many Reps as Possible)
30 Burpees to a 25# Plate (or Hopping over Dumbbell)
30 Pull Ups
30 Box Jump Overs

In remaining time:

Max Burpee Box Jump Overs

No RX + - see below for scales and options!


Score: Total reps completed in 10 min.  So you do the 30-30-30 and then as many reps as possible of the Burpee Box Jump Overs until the clock hits 10 min!

The main goal of this workout is to have at least a few minutes to do burpee box jump overs at the end.  Make sure you choose the appropriate pull up option and box height that will allow you to get through the 30-30-30 by at least 8 min.

We know that some of you might be super sore from the pull ups on Monday!  If that's the case and you want to sub those out you may choose to sub 30 DB Shoulder to Overhead Reps or even Handstand Push Ups if you would like.

For the burpees onto the plate you will get your chest and thighs to the ground at the bottom.  Press up as you jump or step your feet in.  Then jump onto a plate - or something that is roughly 2 inches or so off of the ground.  If you don't have either of those options you can jump over a dumbbell (forward).  Step off of the plate, or back over the dumbbell to perform the next rep.

For the pull ups - you will choose whatever you like/have available.  You can do strict, kipping, jumping, banded, ring row, supine bar row, or bent over row!  Make sure you complete full extension at the bottom and come all of the way up at the top.

For the box jump overs you can perform these as facing or lateral.  We prefer facing most of the time, but for a small number in this workout if you want to go lateral - just be confident in your agility.  Ha ha.  You will jump onto the box landing on both feet. Jump or step off of the other side.  That = 1 rep.

The box or object height should be roughly 24" for guys and 20" for ladies for RX, but we highly encourage you to find a height that will allow you to do these in no longer than 3 min.  Lower the height to something that works for you!

If you don't have anything to jump ON - find something to jump OVER.  Even a broomstick between chairs!

If you are unable to jump at this time you may sub step up overs.

For the burpee box jump over - its the same idea.  Except for each rep of these you just add a burpee before each jump over.