Street Parking

View Original

MONDAY 10.8.18

This fun one was originally posted on June 1, 2018!!  Make sure you check out which version you did and what you got so you can try to beat your score!

Check out All 3 Versions and pick which one you want to tackle!


For Time
100 Ring Rows

Every Minute Complete 15 Double Unders

RX +: 150 Reps

Cut Off: 20 Min


For Time
100 Renegade Rows
(No Push Up)

Every Minute Complete 15 Double Unders

RX Men: 40#
RX Women: 25#

RX +: 150 Reps....

Cut Off: 20 Min


For Time
100 Bent Over Rows

Every Minute Complete 15 Double Unders

RX Men: 95#
RX Women: 65#

RX + Men: 115# +
RX + Women: 75# +

Cut Off: 20 Min

For these we are looking for RX to be parallel to the ground ring rows.  So put your feet on a box or a bench or something to make that happen.

If you are unable to get at least 7-10 reps that way on the minute then you will want to angle it to allow yourself to complete those reps.

For each rep we are looking to have you start with completely straight arms and then pull yourself up by keeping the arms close and pulling the elbows back.  Bring your chest all of the way to the rings.  No kipping by throwing the hip before you pull!!

If you are not great at double unders and 15 reps will take you longer than about 20 seconds - lower the number to 10.

If 10 is still going to take you longer than 20 seconds you may want to sub 10 hop overs per round.  You may also sub 20 single unders.

Lower the weight to a weight that will allow you to get at least 8-10 or so rows per round even when you are fatigued.