MONDAY 10.29.18
4 Rounds for Combined Time
Every 5 Min - complete 1 Round as fast as possible
10 Unbroken Deadlifts
Run 200 Meters
10 Unbroken Deadlifts
Rest remainder of 5 Min
RX Men: 185#
RX Women: 125#
RX Plus Men: 225# +
RX Plus Women: 145# +
Choose a weight that you know you will be able to do unbroken - but will be hard.
We are looking for less than 2 min per round.
4 Rounds
For Combined DL Reps
Every 5 Min Complete 1 Round as fast as possible:
30 Sec DB Deadlifts
Run 200 Meters
30 Sec DB Deadlifts
Rest Remainder of 5 Min!
RX Men: As heavy as you have. At least 50# DB if possible!
RX Women: As heavy as you have. At least 35# DB if possible!
Mark RX if you are over 50# DBs for Men and 35# DBs for Women. Note what weight you used in comments.
For this version your score is actually your total deadlifts - BUT the goal is to run hard enough to still complete your rounds under 2 min!
4 Rounds for Combined Time
Every 5 Min - complete 1 Round as fast as possible
10 Unbroken Deadlifts
200' Sled Push/ Pull
10 Unbroken Deadlifts
Rest remainder of 5 min
Another option is to sub the sled push/pull with:
15 Cal Bike (Men) / 10 Cal Bike (Women)
250 Meter Row
RX Men: 185#
RX Women: 125#
RX Plus Men: 225# +
RX Plus Women: 145# +
Choose a weight for the deadlifts that you know you will be able to do unbroken - but will be hard.
Each round should be viewed as a sprint so go ALL OUT each time. Run HARD.
If you are unable to run for space or weather reasons you may choose to sub 1 min of double or single unders or even 20 no push up burpees.
If you are good at double unders - do 70 each time.
For the deadlifts - especially the second set - it's going to be tough. Take just one second to make sure that you have a good set up. Heels are down, bar is against the body, knees are slightly bent, belly tight and chest is up.
The back position must stay solid all the way up and all of the way down. If you cannot maintain this with the weight you have chosen - lower the weight!
The idea is to do all sets of 10 without having to break and relatively quickly with few pauses.
No excessive slamming or bouncing at the bottom either!